Fall 2024 Staff Photo

The members of the writing center staff posing outdoors on a set of stairs. Each person is holding up the "w" writing center logo and smiling.

Tutoring Appointments

The writing center is closed for spring break. See you next week!

Consider all of the different modalities when scheduling with the writing center. We offer in person appointments on level 2 of HBL. We also offer synchronous online and asynchronous (written feedback: Written Feedback | Writing Center) appointments. Finally, we are piloting a new type of appointment, the AIM appointment. This option allows you to work alongside a tutor and to use the session for accountability. Check out information on AIM here: A.I.M. Sessions | Writing Center

Graduate Students

Want to move beyond tutoring? Consider enrolling in our specially designed writing workshops (from writing introductions and literature reviews to publishing) or spending the day at a writing retreat. Use this opportunity to work with other graduate tutors and have some accountability: Overview of Grad Support | Writing Center.

Aetna Writing in the Disciplines Awards

The Aetna WID Awards recognize exemplary academic writing by undergraduate students in sciences & engineering, social sciences, and humanities. Each of three winners will receive $200, thanks to funding from the Aetna Chair of Writing Endowment. Learn more and submit your work: Aetna Writing in the Disciplines Awards | 2025.

Consider the Writing Minor

This is not an English or creative writing or literature minor (though it can included those). Instead it is a writing minor, defined broadly: writing in the sciences, writing for fun, writing for social change, writing for research, writing for a career, writing technologies, and more. It has a super-flexible structure that involves taking 1 gateway course, Introduction to Writing Studies, and 4 electives from dozens of departments. You may even have already taken one or more of those electives. Check! If you decide you want to do it, you don't need any approvals--all you need to do is fill out an online form here.


Babbidge Library, Level 2


Monday – Thursday 10am-9pm
Friday 10am-4pm
Sunday 10am-4pm